Risk Analyzer

Technology for a New Era in Global Pension Plan Risk Management

Supporting over 900 plans with $900 billion in assets around the world as of December 31, 2023

Cost Control

Identify cost saving opportunities and reduce management time, with user friendly information all in one place

Risk Management

Don't let risk just "happen", manage risk proactively to maximize rewards

Actionable Information

Access decision support tools to identify pension risk management opportunities

Financial Planning

Budget pension costs and plan for economic uncertainty, including user-driven real-time "what-if" scenarios

Timely Data

Track estimated assets and liabilities daily and react to opportunities quickly, using timely financial information to make effective decisions

Fiduciary Management

Achieve greater governance controls using a flexible, customized tool with access to relevant information

Ready Access to Pension Data

Find design, financial and operational data for your pension plans globally

Integrated Solutions

Achieve greater governance controls using a flexible, customized tool with access to relevant information

Valuation of pension plan assets displayed on the site are estimates, and should not be relied upon to make investment decisions.
Please review your pension plans custodial account statements for a comprehensive valuation of the pension plan's assets.

Key Features

Risk Management

  • Analyze sources of risk
  • Evaluate impact of interest rate and credit spread changes on assets and liabilities
  • Track progress along a glide path

*Valuation of pension plan assets displayed on the site are estimates, and should not be relied upon to make investment decisions. Please review your pension plans custodial account statements for a comprehensive valuation of the pension plans assets.

What's new?

  • Global capabilities

Monitor Your Position

  • Make quick decisions with daily assets and liabilities
  • Aggregate financial data at global, regional, country and plan level
  • Monitor funding, accounting, and other custom positions
  • Understand market impact through attribution of reasons for change
  • Access design, financial and operational data for management reporting (for our multinational clients)

*Valuation of pension plan assets displayed on the site are estimates, and should not be relied upon to make investment decisions. Please review your pension plans custodial account statements for a comprehensive valuation of the pension plans assets.


  • Interactively model contributions, expense, and funded status under multiple economic scenarios
  • Integrate daily market performance into projections
  • Budget in real time
  • Understand upside and downside potential with stochastic simulation capabilities

Projections are conducted in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. Future actuarial measurements may differ significantly from the current measurements presented on this site.

*Valuation of pension plan assets displayed on the site are estimates, and should not be relied upon to make investment decisions. Please review your pension plan's custodial account statements for a comprehensive valuation of the pension plan's assets.

Contact us

To arrange a free demonstration of Risk Analyzer or if you have any questions, please contact us using the
following email: [email protected]